Terms or Service
Effective: August 2024
Quizar Terms of Service

Terms and Conditions of Service ("Terms of Service") govern the access and use of the Quizar website (https://www.quizargame.com, the "Site") and its games, mobile applications, APIs, and other services offered by Quizar, including chats, in-app purchases, and third-party services integrating Quizar functionalities ("Services").

KREI IT S.A.P.I and its subsidiaries ("Quizar" or "We") own the Site and are responsible for the Services. By accessing or using the Site or Services, the user ("User" or "Users") agrees to these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. We recommend reading both documents carefully. If you do not agree, do not use our Services.

FOR RESIDENTS OF THE U.S.: The terms are governed by U.S. federal law, including the Federal Arbitration Act and the laws of the State of Jalisco, Mexico.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This agreement is subject to binding arbitration and the waiver of class action rights as per Clause 15.

1. Eligibility

To use the Services, the User must be of legal age according to their jurisdiction. Minors must have the consent of their parents or legal guardian, provided they accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In the European Union, the User must be at least 16 years old, or 13 years old if local legislation permits, and have the consent of their legal guardian.

2. Additional Terms; Game Rules

Some Services may have additional terms ("Additional Terms"), which will be presented during the use of the Service. The User agrees to these terms by using the Service. The specific rules of each game within the Services are included therein, and the User must comply with them.

3. Appropriate Use of the Site and Services

The User is responsible for their use of the Site and Services, as well as for any use made through their account. It is prohibited to:

• Violate laws or regulations.
• Infringe upon intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of third parties.
• Post illegal, harmful, offensive, obscene, invasive, hate-inciting, or detrimental content.
• Send spam or falsify header information.
• Use software to collect data or extract information from the Site.
• Collect personal data of other Users.
• Interfere with the Services, servers, or networks, or transmit viruses.
• Harass, impersonate, or engage in fraudulent activities.
• Track, scan, or attempt to breach systems.
• Access the Services through unauthorized means.
• Decompile or reverse engineer software.
• Use the Services in unauthorized ways.
• Incite or assist third parties in performing the above actions.

4. Content on our Site and Services

Content: Texts, graphics, photos, sounds, videos, software, and other materials on the Site.
User Content: Any content shared by Users, including messages, images, and videos.

4a. Use of Content

Use of the Site and Services is at the User’s own risk. Although we review User Content, we are not obligated to do so or to remove questionable content immediately. The User may be exposed to inappropriate User Content, and Quizar does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of such content.

4b. Rights to User Content

By uploading User Content, the User grants Quizar a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and modify such Content. The User ensures they have rights to their User Content and that it does not infringe third-party rights. The User cannot use Derivative Works of their User Content outside the Site without Quizar’s prior written permission.

4c. Ownership of Quizar Content

Quizar owns the rights to the Site, the Services, the content, and the Trademarks. They cannot be copied or reused without Quizar’s express permission.

4d. Advertising Content

The Site and Services may include advertising. The User agrees that Quizar may include its own or third-party ads.

4e. Removal of Content and Cooperation with the Law

Quizar may remove or reject Content at its discretion and take legal action if the Content violates these Terms. We may also disclose personal information if necessary to comply with the law or protect our rights. The User indemnifies Quizar from any liability for misuse of the Site or Services.

5. Limited License for the User to the Site, Services, and Content

We grant the User, subject to and conditioned upon compliance with the Terms of Service, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the Site, User Content, and Our Content solely in connection with their permitted use, and exclusively for personal, non-commercial purposes.

The User may not download, capture, store, distribute, or retransmit Our Content or any other User Content. They may only download, capture, and/or store their User Content using tools we provide for this purpose through the Site or Services. However, they cannot use Derivative Works of their User Content, as defined in Clause 4.b, outside the Site or Services without Quizar’s prior express written permission.

Additionally, subject to and conditioned upon compliance with the Terms of Service, we grant the User a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to download and install a copy of our game(s) or application(s) on a mobile device and to run such copies of the game(s) or application(s) solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Except as expressly permitted in these Terms, the User may not: (a) copy, modify, or create derivative works based on the game(s), application(s), Site, or Services, (b) distribute, transfer, sublicense, lease, lend, or rent the game(s), application(s), Site, or Services to third parties, (c) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the game(s), application(s), Site, or Services, or (d) make the functionality of the game(s), application(s), Site, or Services available to multiple users through any means. We reserve all rights in the game(s), application(s), Site, or Services not expressly granted to the User under these Terms.

6. In-Game Currency/Items

The Services may include virtual in-game currency ("Virtual Currency") which includes, but is not limited to, Lives, Coins, Spins, and Gems, which can be acquired from us in exchange for any payment method accepted by Quizar’s Services, provided the User is of legal age in their country of residence. The Services may also include virtual digital items and characters in the game ("Virtual Goods") which can be purchased from us in exchange for any payment method accepted by Quizar’s Services or through Virtual Currency. The purchase of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods is a service available only to Account holders who (a) are 18 years of age or older; or (b) are under 18 and have parental or legal guardian consent at the time of purchase. Parents of minors under 18 can check iOS or Google Play settings to restrict in-app purchases, but they should also monitor their children's Accounts for unexpected activity, including the purchase of Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods.

Regardless of the terminology used, the User agrees that Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods have no monetary value and do not constitute real currency or property of any kind. Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods may not be sold, transferred, exchanged, or redeemed for money, goods, or other monetary value.

6a. Purchases of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods

Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods are categories of Content. The User only obtains a limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to use Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods. The User agrees that they do not acquire any ownership rights regarding Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, or other Content. Any balance of Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods does not reflect any stored value.

The User may only obtain Virtual Currency and/or Virtual Goods from us and through means provided by us, and not through any other third-party platform, exchange, broker, or other mechanism, unless expressly authorized by Quizar. The User cannot buy or sell any Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods or exchange them. Any attempt to do so violates these Terms of Service and may result in an indefinite ban on access to and use of the Services and potential legal actions. Once Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods are acquired, they cannot be operated or transferred to another person or account, unless we provide such functionality to the User through a feature or Service, either within a Game or by other means (e.g., our Website).

Quizar may manage, control, regulate, modify, or remove Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods at any time, with or without prior notice, at our sole discretion. Quizar will have no liability to the User or any third party for exercising this right. During the time granted to use Virtual Currency, the User has the right to redeem their Virtual Currency for selected Virtual Goods. If you are a legal guardian and agree to these terms on behalf of your minor child, you agree and acknowledge that your child has your consent to exercise this right independently. The price and availability of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to change and update our prices and inventory of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods at any time. As stated below, all Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, and other Content are provided as-is on the Site and/or Services without warranty. All purchases, sales, and redemptions of Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods are final and non-refundable, except as determined at our discretion.

6b. Our Discretion to Cancel Any Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods and the Effect of Cancellation on Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods

All Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods will be lost if the User’s account is suspended or canceled for any reason, at our sole and absolute discretion, or in the event of suspension of the Services or any particular game. We may cancel, suspend, or discontinue your Account and access to your Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, Content, or Services, at our sole discretion and without notice, including, but not limited to, the following reasons: (a) your account remained inactive for a year (i.e., was not used or logged into); (b) the User does not comply with these Terms of Service; (c) we suspect fraud or misuse by the User of Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, or other Content; (d) we suspect any other illegal activity associated with your Account; or (e) we are acting to protect the Services, our systems, the game, any of our Users, or our reputation or the reputation of any of our partners. THE USER WILL NOT RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER COMPENSATION FOR UNUSED VIRTUAL CURRENCY OR VIRTUAL GOODS WHEN THEIR ACCOUNT IS CLOSED, WHETHER THE CLOSURE IS VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY. Certain jurisdictions may provide additional statutory rights, including a withdrawal period that allows you to cancel a purchase. Nothing herein limits your rights to return or cancel your purchase of Virtual Content under applicable local law.

The User agrees that their Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods will be forfeited and their account will be permanently suspended at our sole and absolute discretion if they attempt to buy or sell any Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods through the sale, purchase, or transfer of any account connected with us.

7. Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy

We respond to notifications of alleged copyright infringement and cancel accounts of repeat infringers according to the process established under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States.

If a User believes that their work has been copied in a way that constitutes a copyright infringement, they must send the following information to the Intellectual Property Agent listed below:

• Your address, phone number, and email address.
• A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed.
• A description of where the alleged infringing material is located.
• A statement that you believe in good faith that the disputed use is not authorized by you, the copyright owner, your agent, or by law.
• An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
• A statement made under penalty of perjury, where you affirm that the information above is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
• This information should be sent to the Intellectual Property Agent:

Phone: 3318389041
Email: support@quizargame.com

Only copyright infringement notices should be directed to our Intellectual Property Agent.
You acknowledge that if you do not comply with all the requirements set forth in this clause, your notice may not be valid. Once we receive the copyright infringement notice, we may forward it to the party that uploaded the content in question. You should be aware that when we send your copyright infringement notice to the "infringing" party, the notice will include your personal information and data. By sending a copyright infringement notice, you consent to such communication.

If you believe that the content that was removed (or whose access has been disabled) does not infringe any copyright or is authorized by the copyright owner, the owner’s agent, or by law to publish and use such content, you may submit a counter-notice to the address listed above containing the following information:

• Your physical or electronic signature;
• Identification of the content that has been removed or whose access has been disabled and the location where the content appeared before its removal or disabling;
• A statement that you believe in good faith that the content was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the content; and
• Your name, address, phone number, and email address, a statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the federal court in Los Angeles, California, and a statement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided the original notice of the alleged infringement.

Once we receive your counter-notice, we will forward it to the party that filed the original copyright infringement claim. You should be aware that when we send the counter-notice, it will include your personal information. By sending a counter-notice, you consent to the disclosure of your information in this manner. We will not send the counter-notice to any party other than the original claimant.

Within 10 days of sending the counter-notice, the claimant must notify us that they have filed a court action before the competent authority to prevent you from engaging in infringing activities related to the content that was removed or disabled. If we do not receive this notification within the 10-day period, we may reinstate the removed material on the Site or Services.

8. Security and Protection of Information

The privacy of our Users is of great importance to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, protect, and when we share your personal information and other data with third parties.

By accessing and/or using the Site or Services, you consent to the collection, use, and transfer of your personal information as described in the Privacy Policy, which is part of these Terms of Use. Therefore, we ask that you read our Privacy Policy carefully before using the Site or Services.

9. User Accounts

To access some features of the Site or Services, you must create an account. You may not use another person's account without permission. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account and must keep your account password secure and confidential.

We encourage you to use secure passwords (passwords that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols).

If you become aware of any breach or unauthorized use of your account, you must notify us immediately.

We are not responsible for any losses caused by unauthorized use of your account. However, you may be responsible for any losses suffered by us or third parties due to improper use of the account.

10. Links

The Site and Services may contain links to other websites and online resources managed by third parties. A link to a third-party website does not imply that we endorse or are affiliated with it. We are not responsible for any damage or loss related to the use of any third-party website. You should always read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third-party website before using it.

11. Changes to the Site or Services

We frequently improve and update the Site and Services. Therefore, we reserve the right to change or suspend the Site or Services at any time, with or without prior notice.

12. Cancellation and Preservation of Responsibilities

We reserve the right to grant access to the Site and Services only to those Users who meet the access conditions outlined in this Terms and Conditions document, and any other conditions that we may establish at our discretion in the future, with the ability to revoke and/or cancel your access to the Site and Services automatically. We also reserve the right to cancel access rights to any User of the Site or Services at any time, at our sole discretion.

You may terminate this legal agreement with us at any time for any reason by ceasing to use the Services and/or contacting support@quizargame.com to delete your account. The provisions of clauses 3, 4, 6, 7, and 12 through 17 will continue to be in effect even after the closure of your account and any expiration or termination of these Terms of Service, with you being responsible for all activities during the time you used the Services.

13. Disclaimer and Limitations of Our Liability

YOU USE THE SITE AND SERVICES AT YOUR OWN RISK. The Site and Services are provided as-is and are operational based on their availability at any given time. To the extent permitted by applicable law, our company and its officers, employees, directors, shareholders, parent company, subsidiaries, agents, and licensors ("affiliates") disclaim all warranties, conditions, and representations of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including those related to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, and those arising from course of dealing or trade usage.

In particular, our company and its affiliates make no representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness, timeliness, security, or reliability of the Site, Services, or any content available on or through the Site or Services, or the content of any third-party website or online services linked to or integrated with the Site or Services.

Our company and its affiliates will have no liability for any: (a) error, mistake, or inaccuracy of content; (b) personal injury, property damage, or loss of data resulting from your access to or use of the Site or Services; (c) unauthorized access or use of our servers or any personal information or data of the User; (d) interruption of transmission to or from the Site or Services, or any failure to store or transmit any content or communications; (e) error, virus, Trojan horse, or similar that may be transmitted through or via the Site or Services by any third party; (f) inability of the Site or Services to meet your expectations or requirements; or (g) any loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use of any content posted or shared through the Site or Services.

You understand and agree that any material or information downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Site or Services is done at your own risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage that results from it. No suggestion or information, whether oral or written, obtained from us or through the Site or Services shall create any warranty not expressly stated in these terms.

Disclaimer of Consequential Damages. To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall we be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages (including loss of profits, revenue, or data), or for the cost of obtaining substitute products or services arising out of or related to these Terms of Service, the Site, or the Services, however caused, whether such liability arises in contract, warranty, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Limitation of Total Liability. To the extent permitted by applicable law, our total cumulative liability to you or any third party arising out of or related to these Terms of Service, the Site, or the Services, from all causes of action and all theories of liability (including contract, warranty, tort, strict liability, or otherwise), shall be limited to and not exceed the fees you have actually paid during the 6 months preceding the claim giving rise to such liability, up to a maximum of 100 US dollars.

Basis of Bargain. You understand and agree that we have set our prices and agreed to these Terms of Service with you based on the limitations of liability set forth in these Terms of Service, which allocate risk between you and us and form the basis of the agreement between the parties.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the limitations and disclaimers mentioned above may not apply to you. To the extent that we cannot, under applicable law, disclaim any implied warranties or limit our liabilities, the scope and duration of such warranty and the extent of our liability shall be the minimum required by such law.

14. Indemnity

The User agrees to indemnify and hold our company and its Affiliates harmless from and against any claim, cost, proceeding, demand, loss, damage, liability, and expense (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and legal costs) of any kind or nature, arising from or related to any actual or alleged violation of these Terms of Service by the User or any person using their account or User Content. If we assume the defense of such matter, the User will reasonably cooperate with us in such defense.

15. For Residents of the United States - BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER

These provisions of BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER apply to the User if they are domiciled and/or access, download, and use our Services in the United States. This Clause is made under an interstate commerce transaction and will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (the "FAA").

The User and Quizar agree to resolve any dispute between us through binding and final arbitration, rather than through judicial proceedings. The User and Quizar waive any right to a jury trial for any Claim (defined below). All controversies, claims, counterclaims, or other disputes arising between the User and Quizar related to or arising from these Terms, the Site, the Services, or any Content (each, a "Claim") will be submitted to binding arbitration. The arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") in accordance with its rules and procedures ("AAA Rules"), including the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org or by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879.

Arbitration Procedures. The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator and resolved by them. The arbitrator must be an attorney with at least 10 years of experience or a retired judge. The arbitration hearing will take place in Jalisco, Mexico County, Jalisco, Mexico. However, if you reside in a state other than Jalisco, Mexico, you will offer Quizar the opportunity to make the hearing convenient and will allow Quizar to choose between: (a) conducting the hearing solely based on documents submitted to the arbitrator, allowing the parties to participate through telephonic hearings or video conferences; or (b) arbitrating in your state of residence at a location reasonably convenient for both you and Quizar. Additionally, for cases where an in-person hearing takes place, you and/or Quizar may attend by telephone, unless the arbitrator requires otherwise.

The arbitrator’s decision in such arbitration will be final and binding on the parties, except for a limited right of review as provided by the Federal Arbitration Act. Judgment on the award may be entered in any competent court. The parties agree that the arbitration will remain confidential and that the existence of the proceeding and any element thereof (including, but not limited to, pleadings, writings or other documents submitted or exchanged, and any testimony or other oral presentations and awards) will not be disclosed beyond the arbitration proceeding, except as legally required in judicial proceedings related to the arbitration or with applicable disclosure rules and regulations by securities regulators or other government agencies.

Costs. If the User demonstrates that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive compared to litigation costs, Quizar will pay most of the administrative costs and the arbitrator's fees required for the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the cost of arbitration from being prohibitive.

In the final award, the arbitrator may allocate the arbitration costs and the arbitrator’s compensation between the parties in amounts deemed appropriate by the arbitrator. Each party will bear its own attorney, expert, and witness fees, regardless of which party prevails in the arbitration, unless applicable law grants a party the right to recover such fees from the other party.

Class Action Waiver. Neither the User nor Quizar may act as a representative of a class action or public action, nor participate as a member of a class action regarding any Claim. Claims cannot be arbitrated on a representative or class-wide basis, nor should there be a joint or consolidated action of parties. The arbitrator may decide only the individual Claims of the User and/or the individual Claims of Quizar. The arbitrator will not consolidate or join the Claims of other persons or parties who may be in a similar situation.

If any part of this Clause is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such specific portion will have no validity and effect and will be removed, but the rest of this Clause will remain in full force and effect. However, if the class action waiver is found invalid, this entire Clause will be null and void. No waiver of any provision of this Clause of the Terms will be valid or enforceable unless in writing and signed by the party waiving such right or requirement. Such waiver will not waive or affect any other part of these Terms. This Clause of the Terms will survive even after termination of your relationship with Quizar.

Small Claims; Government Agency Intervention. This arbitration agreement does not prevent the User or Quizar from seeking intervention by federal, state, or local government agencies. The User and Quizar also have the right to bring competent claims to a small claims court. Additionally, the User and Quizar reserve the right to request provisional relief from any court of competent jurisdiction, including pre-arbitration attachments or preliminary injunctions, and such requests will not be considered incompatible with these Terms or a waiver of the right to dispute resolution through arbitration as provided in these Terms.


16. For Users Located in Europe - BINDING ARBITRATION

These provisions apply to the User when they are domiciled and/or access, download, and use our Services in any Member State of the European Union, and to the extent permitted by their jurisdiction.

The User and Quizar agree that any dispute, difference, or claim arising from this contract and any amendments to it or relating to this contract, including in particular, its formation, validity, enforceability, interpretation, performance, breach, or termination, as well as non-contractual claims, will be submitted to binding and mandatory arbitration for final resolution in accordance with the WIPO Arbitration Rules. The arbitral tribunal will consist of a single arbitrator. The arbitration will take place in Mexico. The language to be used in the arbitration proceedings will be Spanish. The dispute, difference, or claim will be resolved in accordance with the law of Mexico.

To avoid any doubt, arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism that replaces the traditional court system. In arbitration, the dispute is resolved by an arbitrator, not a judge, through an arbitral award, which is binding on the parties.

This procedure is more informal than a legal action in court and offers greater advantages, such as faster resolution of the conflict and guarantees confidentiality of the dispute, as it is a private process where awards are not publicized, unlike court judgments.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

For Residents in the United States: For residents in the United States, these Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with federal law of the United States and the laws of the State of Jalisco, Mexico, without giving effect to any conflict of laws, rules, or provisions.

If any court or arbitrator determines that the "BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER" clause stated above is void or unenforceable for any reason, or that arbitration may proceed on a class action basis, then the User and we irrevocably agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state or federal courts located in Jalisco, Mexico, to resolve any Claim that may be brought on a class action basis or otherwise deemed non-arbitrable. The User consents to and submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for any such action.

For Residents in Other Countries: These Terms and Conditions of Service will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Mexico. All claims, legal proceedings, or litigation arising in connection with the Services, except as specified in Clause 16, will be brought exclusively before the competent courts located in the city of Jalisco, Mexico. The User consents to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts and waives any objection to the convenience of the forum.

18. Miscellaneous

Under no circumstances will we be liable for any delay or failure to perform due, in whole or in part, to a natural disaster or other causes reasonably beyond our control.

If any provision of these Terms is found to be illegal or void, such provision will be deemed unenforceable without affecting the enforceability of other provisions of these Terms.

The fact that we cannot enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not prevent us from doing so in the future.

We may assign our rights and obligations under these Terms, including in connection with a merger, acquisition, asset sale, or as required by law.

19. Third-Party Fees

The User may incur third-party access or data fees (such as those from their Internet or mobile service provider) in connection with their use of the Site, Services, or Content. The User is responsible for all such charges.

20. Changes to These Terms

From time to time, we may modify these Terms and Conditions of Service. If we make changes to these Terms, we will notify the User by posting the revised Terms on the Site. Such changes will take effect on the date of the revision posted in the updated Terms. By continuing to use the Site or Services, the User agrees to the updated Terms.


21. Contact

Phone: 3318389041
Email: support@quizargame.com
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